Healing Incest: Coming Back to Wholeness* Sacramento, CA

Healing Incest Through Holotropic Breathwork* Sacramento, CA

Identifying Sexual Abuse John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, CA

Self Discovery and Healing through Holotropic Breathwork* Sacramento, CA

Healing Sexual Abuse: Coming Back to Wholeness* Sacramento, CA

Healing What You Don’t Outgrow: The Pain of Child Abuse Sutter Center for Psychiatry, Sacramento, CA

Healing the Pain of Abuse (Three Part Series) Sutter Center for Psychiatry, Sacramento, CA

Series on Sexual Abuse and Recovery Yuba College, Marysville, CA

Series on Sexual Abuse and Recovery Bute College, Oroville, CA

What’s Available for These Children Woodland USD and University of San Francisco, Woodland, CA

Child Abuse Doesn’t Have to Last Forever Roseville Hospital, Roseville, CA

Healing Sexual Abuse* University of California, Davis, Davis, CA

Healing Sexual Abuse* CPC Sutter Center for Psychiatry, Sacramento, CA

Healing Incest and Sexual Abuse* St. Mary’s Medical Center, Long Beach, CA

Healing Sexual Abuse through Holotropic Breathwork* Pacific Cultural Center, Santa Cruz, CA

* These workshops and courses approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing for Continuing Education Units (CEU’s).