Jodi Renee Lang’s memoir, Persephone’s Pearls, takes us on a curated journey through her life. She speaks poignantly of traumas met and overcome. Seen alternately from the viewpoint of the child, and the adult observer, we ride the currents of her emotions and experiences. We cheer Jodi on, fight for her, cry with her…hold her heart, and travel with her as an avid companion. We listen to her wisdom. Persephone’s Pearls is a book you will always remember!

Anne Ortelee Certified Astrologer ~ ISAR CAP, PMAFA, NCGR-PAA Level 3


. . . a remarkable tale of redemption and the indomitable human spirit. Courageously documenting the scars and wounds that childhood abuse and neglect leave upon the human heart, Jodi shows the resilience possible when we walk a path toward healing and wholeness. Her unwavering determination to learn and grow from her experiences will be a beacon of light and hope for others who have endured childhood traumas. Any reader who finds her book in their hands will be enriched by her story; may it inspire you, guide you, and show you the way out of darkness and into the light.  

 Tina M. Benson, M.A., author of A Woman Unto Herself: A Different Kind of Love Story


Jodi Reneé Lang has written a remarkable memoir. Many victims of chronic abuse dissociate from the experience and the effect of their suffering.  It may take years of therapy in a safe environment to recover memories, work through the pain and heal. Somehow Jodi was able to stay present through it all, determined that her father would not steal any part of her life. The consequence is that Dr. Lang could simultaneously process her experience over the years, become a therapist and teacher for others, and pursue her own intellectual and spiritual development. Quite an accomplishment, quite a life! 

Stanley G Perelman, Ph.D. Jungian Analyst


In the book "Persephone's Pearls," Dr. Lang, in breathtaking manner, portrays her early childhood trauma. Jodi describes her father’s betrayal, who repeatedly sexually abused her.  She shares the pain and inner devastation, alienation, and shame.

In a moment of intimacy with her fiancé, the traumas appear in her mind and threaten the relationship. Through an emotional cathartic release with this empathetic man, Jodi shares incestuous taboos, which begins her conscious journey of returning to wholeness. 

She describes her healing as sequences in meditation, Holotropic breathwork, and healing journeys with medicinal plants. Finally, she composes her life experience through the meaning of the Greek myth of Demeter and Persephone. Jodi comes to understand her life through this myth and the symbolism of the death rebirth process. The book opens themes that will definitely challenge you as a reader. 

Stanislav Kudrle, M.D.

In Persephone’s Pearls, Jodi invites us into her world with a unique transparency and tenderness.  Her words illustrate personal experience and yet, transcend to the lived experiences of others.  If you are a survivor of trauma, Persephone’s Pearlswill serve as a dear friend, holding your hand as you journey to another dimension of self-exploration and healing.  Like me, you may find yourself saying, “Her soul knows mine, and I hers.”  If you have the privilege of walking alongside others who have experienced trauma, Persephone’s Pearlswill serve as an informative guide—one that does not shame or judge, but which provides graceful insights and instruction.  

Karen Countryman-Roswurm, PhD, LMSW;

Founding Executive Director,

Wichita State University Center for Combatting Human Trafficking


Homer and Virgil created the world's Classic heroes. Jodi Renee' Lang, like Persephone, traveled between the mortal world and hell. She crossed the same stormy 'wine-dark' Aegean and Adriatic seas. Alone in strange and beautiful lands, Jodi faced death from a mysterious disease devouring her heart. Transforming tragic experiences, Jodi blossomed into an intelligent, strong, beautiful heroine. Lighting the path to Oneness with the world and God, Jodi, as a professional, now leads others out of the grips of hell. Boldness, generosity, humor and imagination are her tools. Jodi is an elegant soulful being. Her will is intact and focused. You can read the Classics. Instead, read "Persephone's Pearls" a story of a modern living heroine.

Bernardo M. Perez, Inspector, Deputy Assistant Director, FBI Laboratory (Retired)


Once again proving Tolstoy’s adage that every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way, Jodi gives us a powerful true story about a young girl—herself—caught in a riptide of sexual abuse and family disfunction, and her stubborn refusal to be pulled under by it.  It is a story told with insight and subtlety, despite the grim subject matter.

Jack Ratliff, L.L.B., Professor Emeritus,

University of Texas School of Law