Persephone’s Pearls: Innocence, Betrayal, and One Inspirational Journey to Freedom debuted May 2020

The Inner Door: A Publication of The Association for Holotropic Beathwork International volume 4, issue 1, Trauma and Abuse: Some Practical Guidelines, February 1992

Sacramento Valley Chapter CA Association of Marriage and Family Therapists volume III, no. 6, Sacramento, CA, Transpersonal Approaches to Healing International Round Table, November/December 1991

The Daily Democrat, Woodland, CA, Exploring New Holistic Techniques, 13 November 1991

Grassroots Self-Esteem: Publication of the CA Council to Promote Self-Esteem and Responsibility volume 2, no. 1, Davis, CA, Self-Esteem Begins at Very Early Age, September 1991

The Daily Democrat, Woodland, CA, Child Abuse Discussed at Workshop, 10 April 1991

The Sacramento Bee Final, Sacramento, CA, Children’s March Kicks Off Abuse Prevention Month, 1 April 1991

Parents Monthly volume 8, no. 4, Sacramento, CA,Reneé Has A Secret: She Was Sexually Abused, April 1991

John F. Kennedy University, Paper, Orinda, CA, The Gift of Pain in an Integrative Healing Process, June 1990